Spelling Bee Learning Activity - Teaching Children to Spell

Spelling Bee
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Dedicate to my wife Tanya and son Luca who supported me in making this project a reality.

Help Fight Craniosynostosis
"I picked up my son in my arms and brought him closer to the wall to show him the cartoons.  He smiled and was very happy to see them.  This is where my inspiration came from."

"All profits of this app will be donated to my local children's hospital in support of combating Craniosynostosis"


Raising Awareness for Craniosynostosis
I am no professional programmer.  But I knew and believed in something:  I wanted to make a simple simple app that would teach children the alphabet and how to spell at a young age.  There are many great apps on the market.  But I wanted to go even simpler - You launch the app, and your are instantly learning to spell. No menus, no launch screens, no in app purchases.  Just a simplestic design, all on one screen that would be fun and teach children how to spell.

All profits of this app will be donated to my local children's hospital in support of combating Craniosynostosis.  To this day, the exact cause and prevention is not known.  My son was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis in 2019 and I am making this app as a dedication to him and all children in the world afflicted by this condition.  Craniosynostosis affects the child's cognitive development and ability to learn. Approximately 1 in 2000 children are affected by this condition.  You can say that this is my way of combating Craniosynostosis.  Making an app for children to improve learning and to develop cognitive ability at a younger age. 

Where my inspiration came from

My son had to undergo endoscopic surgery for Sagittal Craniosynostosis. On the day of the surgery, my son had to first take some blood tests in order to analyse his blood type because during the surgery he would need a transfusion due to the blood loss.  During this time my son was crying because it was very difficult to extract a sample and the needle was very painful for him.  I saw on the walls of the hospital room that there were some cartoon animals and various other cartoon drawings.  So I picked up my son in my arms and brought him closer to the wall to show him the cartoons.  He smiled and was very happy to see them.  This is where my inspiration came from.

From Inspiration to Application

In the phone app that I designed, you will see many cartoon images, similar to the ones I saw in the hospital that day.  The images are important to me because they represent my sons happiness. At the same time the images are bundled with words and letters - a simplistic spelling bee designed to teach children to spell at a younger age so they can grow and develop early on. It is my way of fighting Craniosynostosis, and taking a traumatic experience and turning into a positive one. If you have read up to now, I thank you for taking the time to do so.  And I sincerely hope you never have to go through what we have gone through.  I hope you enjoy the application and hope that we can all make a positive difference in the end.


ELA Applications
